Monday, 6 May 2013

Dedication & Focus For Building A Business

I was speaking to a highly successful business man today, asking him questions relating to his business success and I have to say that I am not surprised at how everything he said about  become so successful all circled back to staying positive, dedicated to your cause and remaining focused on your goals. What a surprise! Who would have thought you need these ingredients to achieve success ;)

But...this doesn't have to be such a daunting task for your entire business career. Once you have  put in the effort to build your business, things will start to become somewhat automated. Think of it in the logical order of business, for example, in the early stages of business you will spend a large amount of time building a client base, at the same time you will need to perform all of the back office functions, such as bookkeeping, invoicing and setting up budgets and Business Plan amendments. Once your business starts to reach the next level, more funds will become available for use in others areas of your business which can allow you to hire employees to do these none value adding activities that keep you from growing your business.

Now the excitement starts! At this stage in your businesses growth cycle, you will have a lot of time available to brain storm and focus on improving your processes. The main tasks you may find yourself spending a large number of hours on will be the business mission statements and Action Plans. These items will be the personality of the business and dictate how business is done. Once you have created these items along with a long term growth plan you will probably find that you will be looking to bring in non administration staff to fill positions that have been created to assist with growth, such as, sales and marketing roles.

Now that you have made it this far, depending on your level of available funds, it might be time to look at hiring a manager or management team. Implementing a manager will take  heaps of stress out running the business and allow you even more time which could be spent on expanding  even bigger, maybe into other states or counties. Depending on the industry and profitability, some business owners have well and truly stepped back by this stage and let their organisation run itself, but if you are amongst the highly driven, this is the stage where classifications can go from successful to highly successful.

But this is just to highlight, in broad terms, some of the things that are experienced through each stage of business growth, but all in all, the basic needs required for a person to succeed are the three qualities - dedication, a positive attitude and focus. Without these ingredients the flame would more than likely fizzle out long before a business owner got to the stage of being able to leverage for business growth and build a business that is capable of running itself indefinitely into the future.

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